Grand Rounds Instructions for Physicians

UCSF and Community Dermatologists:

In order to streamline Grand Rounds and to smooth out weekly variation in the number of patients presented, we have made a few changes which are detailed below. Thank you for continuing to provide such interesting cases for the conferences, and for your patience as we transition to this new system:

When presenting patients, please use the standardized protocol form. You may e-mail the completed form to or fax it to 415-353-7870 (Attn: Grand Rounds Coordinator).

In order to avoid weeks with more patients than we have time to discuss thoroughly, please submit the protocol form with the request, we will try to schedule the patient on one of the dates requested on the protocol and we will contact you when the patient has been scheduled. If the patient needs to be presented more urgently, please indicate the reason on the form (severe disease, transient morphology, etc.).

If outside pathology slides need to be reviewed, please allow two weeks for the transfer to UCSF and review. If the patient is being presented in absentia (photographs only), please email the photographs (reduced to 250KB or less) to  

Dermatopathology slide review or slide photography for the Staff Conference should be coordinated with UCSF Dermatopathology at 415-353-SKIN.

UCSF Derm Grand Rounds Protocol PDF