Melanoma/Melanoma Surveillance
Patients Seen in this Practice
Patients with Malignant Melanoma in all stages
Patients with a strong family history of Melanoma (two or more family members with Melanoma; or one family member with Melanoma and one family member with Breast, Pancreatic, or Ovarian Cancer)
Patients with numerous atypical moles and a family history of atypical moles (Familial Atypical Moles/Melanoma Syndrome)
Patients with an identified gene mutation are associated with an increased risk of melanoma
If you have numerous moles and you are not being referred by a dermatologist, you should be seen in General Dermatology
To Make an Appointment
Call 415-353-7817 for new patient appointments and follow up
Ask for the "Pigmented Lesion" practice
Medical records may be faxed to 415-353-7893